Lizzie Warren Plans to Bypass Congress, Just Cancel Student Debt via Educ Dept

“Democratic presidential contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Tuesday (Jan 14) that she would begin to forgive student loan debt on the first day of her administration, using legal tools that would allow her to bypass Congress.

“Warren wrote in her plan on Tuesday that the U.S. Education Department already has authority to cancel student debt, “and we can’t afford to wait for Congress to act.” ”

(No, indeed, we can’t wait for Congress, especially the House, where they’ll be running Impeachment 2.0, or 3.0, or…)

“…the authority to compromise debt is limited to situations in which the borrower demonstrates severe financial distress…” – Mark Kantrowitz, nationally-recognized expert on student financial aid, scholarships and student loans. He writes extensively about student financial aid policy and has testified before Congress and federal/state agencies about student aid on several occasions

You know what constitutes “severe financial distress” in the minds of those backing this vote-buying scheme? “I live at home and collect welfare because it’s easier than working. (Plus, my degree in [philosophy/women’s studies/social reformation/ basketweaving] isn’t getting me any $100k starting-job offers.)”


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